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Raymond H. Center Library: Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose for Raymond H. Center Library

The purpose of the Raymond H. Center Library at Trinity College of Florida is to provide and maintain information sources and to instruct patrons in the use of the sources which will support the curriculum of their Bible-centered education.


1. Build a carefully selected collection to undergird the College's purpose as a Bible college.
2. To involve the college community in evaluating and upgrading collections and services.
3. To assist patrons in locating sources and tools needed in their research.
4. To acquaint library users with resources that include diverse viewpoints.
5. To teach the user responsible Christian stewardship of library property and consideration for the needs of others.
6. To provide the means for continued professional growth of the faculty and an awareness of current trends within their academic disciplines.
7. To promote and teach information literacy.